Emerging Business

Emerging Business Seminar (Phoenix) – How To Develop A New Product (August 3rd)

Jul 13, 2011
Brian J. Burt, Partner
Brian J. Burt,
At one time or another, we have all had an idea for what we thought would be a great product.  And we have all seen a genuinely revolutionary product fail to deliver once introduced into the marketplace.  What does it take to transform an idea into a successful product?

Top companies know that hard work and long hours are necessary, but not sufficient.  They understand that product development is not an event, but rather a process.

Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. invites you to the next program in the Emerging Business Seminar Series, where partner Brian J. Burt, and his guest, Donovan Ray Hardenbrook of Leap Innovation LLC, will discuss the development of a new product.

Topics for this complimentary seminar will include:

  • Why developing an innovative product matters
  • An integrated approach to product innovation
  • Overview of the product development process
  • Legal issues related to developing, manufacturing, selling and protecting your product

For more info and to register, click here


Media Contact

Olivia Nguyen-Quang

Associate Director of Communications
media@swlaw.com 714.427.7490