Emerging Business
Emerging Business Seminar (Phoenix) – How “Workforce Due Diligence” Can Save Your M&A (or Private Equity) Transaction
May 12, 2012
Over the years, numerous studies have shown that the failure rate for merger and acquisition transactions exceeds 50 percent and may be as high as 80 percent.
The vast majority of participants in those deals will have successfully completed financial and legal due diligence, so why do so many transactions still fail? Most often, the “human element” is ignored or given little attention. Once the deal closes, however, the success of the new or merged business will largely depend on the ability of the collective workforce to integrate and then execute on the M&A game plan.
Snell & Wilmer invites you to the next program in the Emerging Business Seminar Series, where partner Brian J. Burt and his guest, Deborah Peck of Seity Insight, will discuss how workforce due diligence can save your M&A or private equity transaction.
Click here to view RSVP information!
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