Emerging Business

Emerging Business Seminar (Phoenix) – How To Incentivize Your Employees

Mar 11, 2016
Brian J. Burt, Partner
Brian J. Burt,
HEADER_EBSS-HowToIncentivizeYourEmployeesWednesday, April 6th

It’s not easy being an employee these days. The ongoing stagnation in today’s economy has brought layoffs, salary cuts, and benefit reductions to virtually every industry. Even those who have not been personally affected must contend with an uncertain economic future, and the fear and stress that such uncertainty breeds. Little wonder that employee morale is at an all-time low.

Business owners know that low employee morale translates into deteriorating productivity and, ultimately, reduced revenue. But what can today’s cash-strapped owner do to re-energize his or her team while protecting the company’s long-term value?

Snell & Wilmer invites you to the next program in the Emerging Business Seminar Series, where partner Brian J. Burt, will discuss how to incentivize your employees.

For more information and to RSVP, click here.

Media Contact

Olivia Nguyen-Quang

Associate Director of Communications
media@swlaw.com 714.427.7490