Commercial Leasing
We assist local, national and international clients with their commercial real estate leasing transactions throughout the United States. When involved in large site expansion programs, we assemble a team of attorneys and staff who dedicate themselves and tailor their services to your organization’s specific program, strategy and budget. You will find that our team members quickly become a highly efficient and effective adjunct to your in-house legal and real estate staff.
Members of our Commercial Leasing team appreciate the importance of building and maintaining professional relationships. We understand the distinct legal and business factors that affect leasing transactions and we take great pride in developing strong client relationships and exceptional levels of results-driven service based on those factors. We know that understanding your business, your commercial leasing objectives, and your goals is critical in building our strategic collaboration.
Over the years, we have collectively drafted and negotiated thousands of in-line shopping center leases, retail leases, ground leases, build-to-suit leases, and sale-leaseback transactions in a wide range of industries and ranging in transaction size from 1,000-square-foot retail leases to 1,000,000-square-foot corporate headquarters. We are capable of providing a complete “turnkey” service from the very inception of negotiating the terms of the transaction through, and including, closing and drafting all required documents (including work letters and construction documents), together with (a) full support and tracking of site investigation and contingency deadlines; (b) review of all site investigation materials, including title, surveys, covenants, easements and environmental reports and (c) regular status updates and various summarizing memoranda.